Sunday, 20 March 2016

Researching and Reviewing Different Literature

I started this task of reviewing and researching different literature by reading Paula’s blog on ‘The Dinner Party: Literature for your Critical Review in M3’. I had to read the post a few times in order for it to sync in and understand the idea in this way. The concept gave a storyline to what we are working on and how it should develop during the module much like a dinner party does. 

For a dinner party you choose your guests, invite them for dinner, greet them when they arrive, have dinner, discuss common interests, and what is going on in each others lives. After the evening has finished you feel like you have a better understanding of what is going on with everyone.  

Our research is similar as we pick out the relevant literature that is related to our inquiry. We discuss our opinions, knowledge and ideas with others, and by the end of it we have learnt more about the subject we were inquiring about. However like some dinner parties we could finish the evening with more questions and unresolved issues that need more explanation. 

Here is a ‘table plan’ of my literature….. 

Table Plan

These are the main areas of my research:

Touring performing arts shows, Culture, Production, Analysis, Questions, Interviews, Ethics

For each of these areas I have started to gather different sources to research further to improve my inquiry, these are to follow……

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Experiences - I want to hear about yours!

One of aspects I wanted to improve on was to get more involved with the BAPP community. I have a good network in my own professional community, but would also like to know what everyone’s insight is on the BAPP course. 

Most of us have come from a performing arts background and I would like to hear about some of your experiences of performing and particularly if anyone has performed aboard or in an environment with different culture?

My main inquiry is about performers experiences of touring in different cultural settings: Life on and off stage.

I would love to hear about any of your own experiences, however small or big it is!!

My general interests are looking into:

 Do people think there is a difference from touring a show aboard to touring a show in the UK?

If there are any differences is this regarding life on stage or off stage? 

I have written briefly about some of my experiences in a previous blog, please take a read and I would love to know other peoples experiences…..

Thank you 

Monday, 7 March 2016

Catch Up with Paula

After reviewing my feedback and having a one to one with Paula, I have gained three valuable areas that I need to improve on in module 3: 

1). Sources and Literature - I was struggling to find different resources and literature that related to my inquiry directly. Paula has helped me to understand that it is possible to research different aspects of the inquiry and cross reference the ideas to gain more from the research. Rather than giving up after not finding the exact topic in question, I need to think outside the box, so I can further my knowledge on my particular topic. 

2). Discussing my inquiry with other people on the BAPP Course - As we are all doing different topics and our subject areas in question are all very different, I find it quite difficult sometimes to add anything to what other people on the course are working on. I am sure it is probably the case the other way round as well. However there is still a lot to gain from other peoples perspectives and experiences. I am looking forward to discussing with others what they are working on, and I hope it will help me further with my inquiry.  

3). Time-Keeping - At the end of Module 2, I had ran out of time to complete the module to the standard that I had wanted to. I started the module later as I could not decide what to do my inquiry on as there were so many areas I wanted to explore within my Professional Practice. This module however, I am going to make sure I keep on top of my work and do not get behind. 

Overall after reflecting with Paula, I have a clearer understanding of what is expected during this Module and how I can achieve it.